John Reilly inherits a castle in Italy. Little does he suspect that a tortured and disfigured freak haunts its dungeon by night, until he hears its wail in the darkness, and his daughter insists that someone was in her bedroom. His wife won't let him touch her, let alone share her bed. She hates him for causing the death of their five year-old son Jay-Jay, and the blindness of their daughter, Rebecca, nine months earlier in a car crash while driving drunk. He hates himself for it too, and sometimes wants to die. Her rejection causes him to plunge back into alcohol and become entangled with a prostitute. Remember the cliché, "monkey see, monkey do"? Well, that is exactly what the freak does after observing John and the hooker down in the cellar...pretty sickening. Anyway, this is an excellent--and gory--Combs film.