FearDotCom is a very dark movie, which is partly why these pictures are so dark. Also, the vid-cap technology I use is very old, and it doesn't like to cooperate with the DVD player. So, we get black & white photos. I hope you don't mind. Someday, I'll find a VHS of this film and get some color shots. In this film, Jeff plays Sykes, a police detective and partner to the main protagonist. He's a laid-back kinda guy who enjoys donuts and playing poker. He's worked on the force for a long while and seems like he's given up his enthusiasm for his work, preferring to let the Feds handle things. His younger partner lets himself get too caught up emotionally in his work, as far as Sykes is concerned. I really like this Combs character. He has a bit of a defeated spirit, and he swears (which, oddly, I enjoy hearing Jeff do). Please check out this film if you get a chance. As far as thriller movies go, it's pretty good (and watching Jeff is always a bonus!).